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Turn up the holiday cheer with these holiday classics

Written by Hugh Goings | Nov 27, 2023 10:12:56 PM

It’s about time to hang up those Christmas lights and get into the holiday spirit. While you’re at it, throw on one of these iconic holiday movies to laugh and cry along with friends and family. Whether you’re in the mood for a sappy romance or a timeless family comedy, we have a selection of favorites for any occasion.

A heartwarming comedy for all ages, "Elf" is the perfect early-aughts holiday movie, with plenty of laugh-out loud moments and an emotionally moving final act. Starring as a human raised by elves at the North Pole, Will Ferrell embarks on a quest to find his original family back in New York. "Elf" perfectly encapsulates the joyous tone of the holiday season and is a great family watch. "Elf" is currently streaming on Max (formerly HBO Max) and Hulu.

Watch your holiday favorites with these streaming services

A Christmas Story
The beloved holiday classic "A Christmas Story" celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, and it’s still one of the most-referenced Christmas movies around today. Watch it on Max either through the streaming service itself or as an add-on to your YouTube TV subscription.

Home Alone
Stressed about traveling during the holidays? "Home Alone" might put things into perspective. This '90s romp features an unlikely faceoff between an eight-year-old and two burglars determined to pull off a score on Christmas. This comedy features slapstick turned all the way up and will provide laughs for the whole family. You can stream "Home Alone" on Hulu or YouTube TV with your Disney+ or Starz subscriptions.

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A Charlie Brown Christmas
Follow Charlie Brown and the Peanuts crew on the quest for true Christmas cheer on "A Charlie Brown Christmas." Going through ups and downs during the holidays, Charlie Brown considers the meaning of Christmas and finds support in his friends. This and other iconic Peanuts specials are featured exclusively on the Apple TV streaming platform.

The Christmas Prince
Netflix has released a substantial library of holiday movies to choose from, many of them possessing a similar tone to the Hallmark movies you know and love. One such example is "A Christmas Prince." A straightforward romance that plays like a fairy tale, "A Christmas Prince" will keep your spirits high during the holiday season.

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How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Who better to play the Grinch in the live-action version of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" than Jim Carrey? The comic actor's take on the Grinch is as goofy and grumpy as the original cantankerous Christmas thief in the 1966 animated adaptation of the Dr. Seuss story. You can rent the movie online through Amazon Video’s on-demand service.

Hallmark (all of it)
The Hallmark holiday machine keeps churning out new movies, and there’s a good chance you’re familiar with their format. But there’s something undeniably comforting about the small-town romances and holiday charm. Tune in to the Hallmark Channel any evening from now until Christmas and you’re sure to catch one of their timeless original movies. In case you missed a movie or want to go back and rewatch, fubo TV offers a 72-hour playback option so you can catch up on some you might’ve missed.

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