Are you prepared?
According to Gartner, each year 40% of businesses who experience a disaster or system corruption, and lose access to their data for just 24 hours, go out of business.
If these numbers tell us anything, it's this: regardless of the size of your business or your IT budget, you cannot afford to cut corners when it comes to preventing data loss. Come heck or high water, your business must be able to continue operating within certain parameters after the unexpected has occurred.
So what are you doing about it right now? Simply having your data and apps running in the cloud with automated backups will not address the kind of continuous, minute-to-minute data replication you need to fulfill your RPO and RTO requirements in the event of an emergency. Do you have a swift and reliable backup and restore system in place? And are you able to test your DR strategy on a regular basis to ensure the kind of uptime customers and auditors expect? If you're not sure what your DR plan entails, your business could be at serious risk, and/or you're not maintaining the level of compliance your industry demands.
We've partnered with EMC and VMware to offer you the very best in DR/business continuity solutions to lower your TCO while helping you satisfy your auditors' requirements. With 2 service levels to choose from, TekDR makes your business's data loss reversible and any outages transparent, so that you can achieve the RPO and RTO goals you require for true business continuity and peace of mind.
For details on service levels and the technologies behind our disaster recovery solution, visit our TekDR product page.
Call us today to discover what TekDR will do for your business!
Call 877.301.3125 or email us at