

TekLinks Moves Up in World Ranking of Cloud Service Providers

By: Christina Southern on Oct 9, 2014 7:02:01 AM

TekLinks, Inc., is proud to announce that the company has moved up fifteen spots on this year’s list of top cloud hosting service providers. In 2014, Talkin’ Cloud, a premier IT channel resource that covers news and provides analyses of cloud services, ranked TekLinks number 85 in their guide to the top 100 businesses in the cloud hosting industry. This year, TekLinks ranked 70th in a strong field of contenders.


This list, produced annually, includes giant tech companies such as Google. TekLinks is extremely excited about the growth they have experienced. By offering a wide range of integrated IT solutions to businesses of any size, the Alabama cloud services company offers hosting services through their privately owned, independently audited data centers.


David Powell HeadShot"These rankings provide us the industry validation of several years of focus," said David Powell, TekLinks VP of Managed & Cloud Services. He adds, "We were early in the game on the cloud, and our aggressiveness has really resonated with our customers. We're honored to be recognized."


Powell attributes TekLinks' growth to its customers. He states, "Our customers trust in the security of the cloud and its ability to keep data available if servers go down, especially for hospitals and emergency medical records. The cloud offers the 'always-on' functionality that is so crucial for healthcare providers to treat and serve their patients."


For more information on TekLinks' cloud hosting services, contact us at 877.301.3125 or email

Topics: Industry News

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