

Jim Beaugez

Jim Beaugez is a C Spire communications strategist with 15 years of professional writing experience.

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Cybersecurity on college campuses: Safeguarding student data in the digital age

By: Jim Beaugez on Jul 22, 2024 6:00:00 AM

The cybersecurity landscape on college campuses is more critical than ever as universities work to protect students’ personal information in an era of rampant cyberattacks.

As these breaches can have far-reaching consequences for individuals and institutions alike, let’s explore some of the challenges as well as measures that can prevent cyberattacks.

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Topics: Cybersecurity, Higher Education

Why small businesses are prime targets for cyberattacks — and how to fight back

By: Jim Beaugez on Jul 8, 2024 9:31:08 AM

Cyberattacks have become an ever-present threat to businesses of all sizes, and small businesses are particularly vulnerable. Understanding why this is the case and how to defend against these attacks is crucial for any small business owner.

Let’s start with a few primary reasons why small businesses are targets.

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Topics: small business IT, Cybersecurity

Should your company pay the ransom to end a ransomware attack?

By: Jim Beaugez on Jun 20, 2024 11:48:00 AM

If your organization has experienced a ransomware attack recently, you have plenty of company. If not, then count yourself lucky.

Eighty-five percent of organizations suffered at least one ransomware attack in the past 12 months, according to the 2023 Veeam Ransomware Trends Report—and more companies will have a ransomware attack this year than turn a profit. Ransomware attacks can be damaging to your bottom line, your customers and your reputation. And the criminals who perpetrate these attacks know that.

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Topics: ransomware, Cybersecurity

How much does an internet outage cost your business?

By: Jim Beaugez on Jun 18, 2024 11:46:00 AM

These days, an internet interruption is much more than an inconvenience for businesses. Your shop, office or salon is only part of your footprint—the real storefront is online. But that’s only the beginning of your online investment. Your POS system, credit card processing, VoIP phones, critical software and security components such as door alarms and video cameras all connect over the internet.

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Five ways government agencies can fight cyberattacks

By: Jim Beaugez on Jun 11, 2024 4:35:45 PM

Cities are getting smarter — and as a consequence, they’re also getting more susceptible to cyberattacks than ever before.

Underscoring this problem is the magnitude of investment governments are making in their IT networks. According to a 2020 report, investment in smart technologies by cities alone is expected to reach $327 billion by 2025. With more city and state governments becoming more connected, the threats of exposure to cyberattacks will continue to grow.

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Topics: Cybersecurity

How an AI assistant can put bad meetings behind you

By: Jim Beaugez on Jun 4, 2024 9:44:12 AM

Sometime in the last few years, the inconveniences created by some virtual communications became so common they turned into meme-worthy transgressions.

We’re talking about those network interruptions that freeze faces and cause voices to truncate and disappear mid sentence — not to mention the distracting background noises bleeding over from a co-worker logging in from a corner café.

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