

Remote patient monitoring helps physicians overcome burnout

By: C Spire on Apr 5, 2021 11:03:00 AM

Burnout is a real problem in healthcare.

A survey conducted by Medscape pre-COVID-19 found that up to 50 percent of physicians experienced burnout, a reaction to stress marked by emotional exhaustion and other symptoms. Two-thirds of them were white-knuckling it, choosing to work through the fatigue and stress instead of seeking professional help.

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Topics: RPM

Why adopt a Remote Patient Monitoring solution?

By: C Spire on Mar 12, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Chronic illnesses put a drain on the patients they impact as well as the health care systems that serve them, trapping patients in a cycle of repeat visits and treatments. But medical providers can now make that vital care much less of a burden.

Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) reduces the number of visits to emergency rooms by chronically ill patients by providing daily monitoring through a mobile app at the patient’s home, or wherever they are. This eases the staffing pressure on hospitals and helps avoid re-admissions, while growing revenue in a new segment. Patients get better service for their conditions, and caregivers are able to track health patterns and identify treatable problems before they become emergencies.

Here’s how RPM works.

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Topics: remote patient monitoring, RPM

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