

The role of smartphones in teen academic performance​

By: Meghan Perry on Aug 6, 2024 2:33:05 PM


The evolution of handheld technology has dramatically changed how teens learn, socialize, and interact with their surroundings.

While smartphones offer many benefits, like instant access to online tutoring before a big test, they also pose challenges that can affect your teen's schoolwork. From SparkNotes to Snapchat, our teens have access to the entire world in their hands — the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Understanding the pros and cons of smartphone use can help your teens use the technology in ways that support their education. Let's explore the role smartphones play in teen academic performance and practical tips for creating balance on and off the screen.

The data doesn't lie

Research consistently shows that excessive smartphone use can negatively impact academic performance. A study published in 2021 showed that when teens try to multitask on their phones in class, their attention is disrupted, and their studies suffer. It turns out that scrolling Reddit or posting to Instagram is not a solitary endeavor. One student excessively using their smartphone can also impact the learning of those around them. Research out of Canada in 2022 revealed that "about 25% of students reported being distracted by other students using digital devices in most or every lesson."

But as a parent, you're not just concerned about your teen's test scores. Studies in the UK have found that adolescents who spend a lot of time on social media tend to exercise less and get fewer hours of sleep. Poor sleep quality has been linked to worsening mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, in young people.

It's important to note that smartphone use among teens is not all negative. Smartphones can provide teens with quick access to information, educational apps, and collaborative tools — all convenient resources to enhance learning. The key is finding a rhythm that maximizes these benefits while minimizing the adverse impacts.

How to create a healthy balance on and offline

Set clear rules
Establish guidelines for your teen around smartphone use, especially during study time and at school. Explain to your teen that these rules are meant to teach responsible technology use, not limit their freedom. Making it a team effort and involving the whole family might make the transition easier. This can look like setting specific times when everyone puts their phone away, such as during homework or family meals.

Use parental control features
Tools like C Spire's Connect & Protect make managing your teen's smartphone use easy. You can block distracting social media apps on your child's phone during school hours while allowing access to websites like Quizlet and Google Scholar. Our features let you set screen time limits, filter out inappropriate content, and monitor app usage — ensuring your teen engages with age-appropriate and educational content.

Encourage offline activities
Show your teen that technology should add to life, not dominate it. Encourage them to get involved in after-school sports, pursue hobbies, and spend quality time with friends face-to-face. Try suggesting fun activities that don't require a smartphone. Maybe your teen would enjoy reading the latest fantasy book trending on TikTok, learning to play guitar, or going for a bike ride with mom and dad. These kinds of activities reduce screen time, encourage physical movement, and develop valuable social skills.

Create designated study spaces
Consider marking phone-free zones dedicated to homework and studying. Pick a specific area in your home where your teen can concentrate on their schoolwork without the temptation of their phone. This could be a calm corner away from distractions like the TV and Xbox. A focused learning environment offers structure and fosters a productive study routine and mindset. Show your support by providing some of their favorite snacks and ensuring they take regular breaks.

Promote healthy sleeping habits
Encourage your teen to avoid using their smartphone before bedtime. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with sleep quality, negatively impacting classroom performance and overall well-being. Suggest alternative activities before bed, such as reading a book or journaling. Try joining your teen and practicing good sleep hygiene together. This can look like turning off screens at least an hour before sleep, going to bed around the same time each night, and limiting caffeine after noon. These healthy routines can significantly improve sleep quality and, in turn, your teen's academic success.

Open communication
Maintaining ongoing conversations with your teen about smartphone use is crucial, especially if technology guidelines are new to the home. Be sure to address any concerns your teen (or you) may have and celebrate positive smartphone habits. Talk with your teen about the consequences of excessive smartphone. Let them know they can freely discuss any digital challenges they encounter with you. Reward your teen when they consistently display responsible behavior by gradually increasing smartphone access. This added freedom helps them develop self-regulation and time-management skills.

C Spire helps parents stay informed and supported

For most teens, the role a smartphone plays in academic performance is a strong one. Remember, it's all about balance. By adopting thoughtful strategies, your teen can develop a healthy relationship with their smartphone. This attribute will benefit them long after school, as managing the digital world can often be stressful. Thankfully, you don't have to do it alone.

Raising kids and teens in a complex digital world isn’t easy. Get tips from experts in our Parents’ Resource Center and align your kids’ online access with your family’s values. Check out our Connect and Protect plans designed for kids here.

Topics: Connect & Protect

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