The mindless gaze. We’ve all seen it, and many of us have done it ourselves. But when our children are staring at screens for hours, it brings a whole new level of worry for parents: “How much time should my kid spend in front of a screen?”
Topics: Connect & Protect
Meet the Xplora X6Play, a smartwatch that keeps kids safe and parents connected
Raising children in a tech-savvy world brings unique challenges, especially when it comes to introducing devices. For parents weighing the leap to a smartphone, the Xplora X6Play smartwatch offers a safe, kid-friendly alternative packed with features that promote connectivity, safety and peace of mind.
The X6Play is the ideal first device for young children who aren’t ready for a smartphone but still need to stay connected. For parents, it’s a way to introduce children to technology gradually.
Topics: Connect & Protect
Five tips on preparing your teen for digital independence
Navigating your teenager's relationship with technology can feel like sailing uncharted waters. As parents, we want to empower our teens with the benefits of technology while safeguarding them from its potential pitfalls. How do we give them access to conveniences like easy car navigation with the touch of a finger, yet protect them from dangers such as online bullying and predators?
Topics: Connect & Protect
Our kids are more impressionable than we sometimes like to think. That’s why setting a positive example for them to follow is so important. In order for those good habits to stick, parents have to walk the talk — and that includes being mindful of how you use technology when they're around. Here are some tips to follow.
Topics: Connect & Protect
One minute they’re at your side — the next, where'd they go? If you’ve ever attended a large event with kids, you know this scenario well. But when they get a little older and begin exploring without you, technology can be your extra set of eyes.
Topics: Connect & Protect
The temperatures outside may say it’s still summertime, but the back-to-school season has arrived.
As parents prepare their kids for the upcoming school year with new clothes, kicks and classroom supplies, it’s also time to begin thinking about how they’ll interact with technology and devices in the course of their studies — and how to integrate technology that can enhance learning, monitor screen time and ensure safety.
Topics: Connect & Protect
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