

A newbie’s guide to holiday video chatting

By: Jim Beaugez on Dec 11, 2020 1:12:58 PM

Ah, the holidays. A time to slow down and reflect. To catch up with family over a table loaded with roast beast and who-hash. To relish bankrupting your uncle in Monopoly because one Christmas he gave your sisters 20 bucks each and nothing to you. (But let’s not get petty.)

Well, the 2020 edition is even better. Now we get to experience it all on the soft glow of a video screen instead of face to face. Yes, folks, the socially distanced holidays are here.

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Topics: C Spire Fiber, No Bull, Holiday 2020

2019: A Year in Review and a Look Ahead

By: C Spire on Dec 30, 2019 1:49:13 PM

2019 was an exciting year of innovations, milestones and customer inspired successes for us at C Spire. While we close out another decade, we want to reflect on what we’re most proud of and thank you for being our inspiration through it all.

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Topics: C Spire Health, C Spire Fiber, C Spire News, Tech Movement

C Spire is a privately-held telecommunications and technology company driven to deliver the best experiences in wireless, fiber internet, and business IT solutions such as internet, VoIP, cloud and managed services. Read more news releases and announcements at For more information, visit or find us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.