Breaking news: Internet usage is going up.
That shouldn’t surprise anyone, thanks to the tablets, home security and other smart devices that gobble up the internet speed and bandwidth on our home WiFi networks.
But just how much is now clear: Average internet consumption at the end of March jumped to 402.5 GB, an increase of 47 percent above figures from the same point in 2019. Homes that use more than 1 TB of data—the typical “data cap” imposed by some internet service providers—jumped 138 percent.
And on just one day, April 4, Americans streamed more than 50,000 years of content. Not days—years.
Even though those numbers are truly staggering, it’s not hard to see how we got here. Thanks to COVID, we’re communicating more over the internet with friends and long-distance family members on Facebook and TikTok, logging on to videoconferences with work colleagues, and of course, streaming shows, movies and music like never before.
As a result, consumers are opting for the higher speeds and bandwidth they can get from fiber internet. Symmetrical, ultra-fast speeds like those offered by C Spire Gigabit internet give users the headroom to stream on multiple devices at the same time, so you can work while your kids play games online, with no data caps to hold you back. If that sounds anything like your household, then fiber internet is definitely your speed.
Check for fiber availability in your neighborhood