

What is VoIP, and why do businesses need it?

By: C Spire on Oct 22, 2021 11:28:00 AM

VoIP gets a bad rap. Primarily because VoIP providers fail to teach businesses how to use it correctly. To set the record straight, let's start with the basics and work our way through a few myths as well as realistic expectations of VoIP providers. Note: You probably aren't expecting enough.

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Topics: Voice & collaboration

Bytes & Bites breakout: Cisco engineer on critical cybersecurity trends

By: C Spire on Oct 18, 2021 1:47:21 PM

Joseph Muniz, an architect and security researcher with Cisco, is bringing his extensive experience designing security solutions and architectures to Bytes & Bites 2021. During his 12:30PM breakout session, Joseph will talk about these cybersecurity trends:

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Topics: Cybersecurity

What can you do with My C Spire Business?

By: C Spire on Oct 15, 2021 11:45:00 AM

Gone are the days of wondering how to manage multiple C Spire accounts, pay a bill or get a quote. The My C Spire Business self-service portal simplifies, well, everything for C Spire customers.

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Topics: My C Spire Business portal

Bytes & Bites panel discussion: IT leaders on the future of healthcare technology

By: C Spire on Oct 14, 2021 4:23:06 PM

As healthcare organizations have adapted to major changes over the last 18 months, they’ve had to make strategic IT choices. No one knows that better than the IT leaders on the Bytes & Bites Healthcare Panel Discussion. Join us Oct. 21 at Bytes & Bites to hear healthcare CIOs talk about accessible remote care and how the past 18 months will continue to impact the future.

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Bytes & Bites panel discussion: How university CIOs overcame the past 18 months

By: C Spire on Oct 13, 2021 11:03:57 AM

Many universities and colleges quickly adopted a variation of remote learning over the past 18 months. But what did that ambitious technological leap forward look like behind the scenes? Register today to attend the Bytes & Bites higher education IT panel discussion with the CIOs of multiple universities across the south. They will share how the past 18 months have impacted the technologies in their organizations and what they mean for the future.

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Topics: Working Remotely

Bytes & Bites keynote debunks “I won’t get hacked” mentality

By: C Spire on Oct 11, 2021 12:55:55 PM

“We all fall into the trap of thinking, ‘Not me,’ ” says Bart McDonough, Agio CEO and founder. “But believe it or not, you’re probably up to about 100 logins. The question is, how many of you know with precision how many you have? Because if you don’t know with precision, you don’t know if you got breached.”

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Topics: Cybersecurity

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