From curbside assistance to home delivery, the essential workers at C Spire Wireless stores have made big changes to the way they are helping customers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Christina Southern
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Don’t miss your last chance to see ‘A Merry & Bright Light Spectacular’
The magic of the holiday season was in the air last night as audible gasps came from the crowd of people watching lights dance across C Spire’s eight-story-high corporate building during our “A Merry & Bright Light Spectacular” light show.
There were giant gingerbread houses and prancing reindeer. Hot chocolate and cookies. And, most importantly, there were friends and families – unplugged and experiencing the joy of being together.
Topics: C Spire News
How does a technology company like C Spire kick off Computer Science Month? With food, tech prizes and putting on display the coding skills of aspiring teen computer science gurus, of course.
Topics: Tech Movement
Market Managers bring vital technology message to communities
“Technology is fun!”
That’s the message Johanna King is sharing with young people throughout the D’Iberville area. The C Spire Wireless Market Manager is actively seeking out opportunities to share with students and school leaders the importance of technology and computer science education.Topics: Tech Movement
Victoria Wilcher is an extroverted accountant, wearing a giant smile everywhere she goes.
She smiles so much that people like to tease her about it. “Once I was being interviewed for a video on why I enjoy working at C Spire, and the videographer joked, ‘Victoria, you know you can’t laugh and smile throughout this whole video, right?’ That made me laugh even more,” she says. “It was all in fun.”Topics: C Spire Careers
C Spire is a privately-held telecommunications and technology company driven to deliver the best experiences in wireless, fiber internet, and business IT solutions such as internet, VoIP, cloud and managed services. Read more news releases and announcements at For more information, visit or find us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.